The Frank Panyko Distinguished Service Award recognizes major contributions to FDRS over an extended time period. Criteria are 1) more than 10 years of continuous membership in FDRS, 2) demonstration of outstanding service and leadership in FDRS, and 3) nomination by an FDRS member in good standing. Self-nominations are also accepted. In addition, the nominee is expected to have exhibited exemplary efforts in promoting FDRS, provided outstanding training and guidance to in-coming FDRS leadership, and provided outstanding support in mentoring FDRS members. Nominations for 2024 are open. The submission deadline is July 1, 2024. Nominations should be submitted electronically in PDF form with the Award name in the subject line and should include (1) a current copy of the nominee’s CV and (2) a one-page summary of accomplishments and service. For more information, contact Greg Fonsah, FDRS President-Elect, at:
Greg Fonsah
University of Georgia
The Emerging Leadership Award recognizes and encourages serving FDRS in a leadership capacity. Nominees must: 1) have made outstanding contributions to the profession 2) have no more than 10 years of continuous service in FDRS, 3) have served on the Board, 4) have not served as President of FDRS, 5) have made documented contributions to the organization, 6) have demonstrated evidence of continued involvement in FDRS leadership, and 7) be nominated by an FDRS member in good standing. Self-nominations are also accepted. Nominations for 2024 are open. The submission deadline is July 1, 2024. Nominations should be submitted electronically in PDF form with the Award name in the subject line and should include (1) a current copy of the nominee’s CV and (2) a one-page summary of accomplishments and service. For more information, contact Greg Fonsah, FDRS President-Elect, at:
Greg Fonsah
University of Georgia
For Outstanding Graduate Research on Food Distribution and Marketing
The Richardson-Applebaum Scholarship Awards are offered annually by the Society for outstanding graduate student research in food distribution and marketing. This scholarship fund is partly named after William Applebaum, Chief of Staff, Market Research Division: The Kroger Grocery and Baking Company; Assistant General Manager, Stop & Shop, Inc; and Lecturer on Food Distribution and Comparative Marketing, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University.
During his lifetime “Bill” Applebaum continually challenged the Food Distribution Research Society to seek improvements in the food industry. As a founder and supporter of FDRS, Bill allowed the society to name its student research awards and fund after him, and he made a substantial contribution to the fund. The first scholarship was awarded in 1978. Bill did not live to see it presented, but his example and leadership have caused other industry leaders to contribute to this tax-deductible fund. The fund has been renamed as the Richardson-Applebaum Memorial Fund. Contributions may be made directly to the Food Distribution Research Society.
Doug Richardson was a longtime leader, FDRS Board member, and loyal friend to the Society. He served as President of the Food Distribution Research Society in 1985. Doug managed the Richardson-Applebaum Trust for FDRS and was a champion of emerging scholarly research in the area of food distribution. The Society voted to add his name to these scholarship award in 2013 in recognition of his outstanding leadership, dedication to student achievements, and long-term contributions of his time and resources to the financial well-being of the Society.
Contributed funds are invested, and travel stipends are given each year to outstanding graduate students studying food distribution and marketing. Today, travel stipends to the annual conference are presented in three categories: (1) $1,500 for the best Ph.D. Dissertation, (2) $1,500 for the best M.S. Thesis, and (3) $1,500 for the best M.S. Case Study. The last category is for M.S. students following a non-thesis program. Awardees also receive complimentary conference registration fees and are recognized at the FDRS Annual Conference. The Ph.D. recipient will be invited to deliver a 10-minute research presentation during the FDRS Applebaum-Richardson Award Luncheon.
In addition to travel stipends and complimentary conference registration fees, recipients also receive a one-year complimentary student membership to FDRS.
You can learn more about the 2024 Richardson-Applebaum Scholarship Awards in the 2025 Call for Applications as well as the 2025 Statement of Intent. For a list of past recipients, click here. The submission deadline was April 11, 2025.
For more information, contact Nathan Kemper, FDRS Vice President for Education, at:
Nathan Kemper
University of Arkansas
Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
217 Agriculture Building, Fayetteville, AR 72701
Scholarship Award For Outstanding Undergraduate Research on Food Distribution and Marketing
The Scholarship Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Research on Food Distribution and Marketing is sponsored by the Society to recognize outstanding undergraduate research papers in food distribution and marketing. Broadly defined, this area encompasses all economic functions that occur between the farm gate and the final consumer. This new opportunity is open to all undergraduate students with scholarly interests and career aspirations in the food distribution system.
A $1,000 travel stipend to the annual conference is awarded to the best undergraduate research paper. In addition, the recipient receives a one-year complimentary student membership to FDRS and is recognized at the FDRS Annual Conference.
You can learn more about the award information for the 2024 FDRS conference in the 2024 Undergraduate Call for Applications as well as the 2024 Undergraduate Statement of Intent. For a list of past recipients, click here. The submission deadline was April 12, 2024.
For more information, contact Andrew Muhammad, FDRS Vice President for Education, at:
Andrew Muhammad
University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture
302 Morgan Hall
Knoxville, TN 37996
The Presidential Award for Excellence in Research and Communication is sponsored by the Society to recognize outstanding basic or applied research in food distribution and marketing. Selection is made from journal articles published between annual conferences.
The Doug and Anne Richardson Research and Engagement Award is awarded to those individuals who conduct research and author papers focused in topics unique to issues related to food distribution and marketing. Award applicants must be early career colleagues employed at 1890 and 1994 Universities, no more than 5 years beyond earning their terminal degree. You can learn more about the award information for the 1014 FDRS conference in the Call for 2024 Doug and Anne Richardson Research and Engagement Award submissions. The submission deadline was June 15, 2024.
For more information, contact Kim Morgan, FDRS Vice President for the Richardson-Applebaum Scholarship Award Fund, at:
Kimberly Morgan
University of Florida